Why the hell did I start a blog?!?! ….That’s the obvious question right?
Honestly, why not? I love history and everything in between. Also my husband is getting tired of me telling him “fun facts” or “mind blown facts” he says that I know it all but I say I don’t know enough!
My name is Noemi Aguilar and I’m obsessed with history and anything that has to do with our past, present, and future. It’s my dad’s fault. I mean the grumpy old man always talked about war and how things were back in the day that it rubbed off on me. The only difference between me and my old man is that I’m making it into a career…Go figure! I kind of followed in my dad’s footsteps but I took it to a whole new level. He went into Army and then got out and became a carpenter and I went into the Army and came out to being a historian. Well soon to be historian I still need to finish school. I’m just so fascinated with the different cultures that are around the world, my favorite part of history is when the United States actually became to be the United States of America. The only thing I want out of this blog is for people to learn a little something. That’s it. My main focus is to throw fun facts out there and make History a little more interesting because I have a lot to share. I also go on the hunt for actual artifacts so you might see some pretty amazing pictures of my findings and maybe a little back story. So I hope you enjoy this blog. Also dad if your reading this just know that I love you and thank you for the story telling.
Thanks for reading!
Noemi Aguilar.