American soldier is trapped by Nazis, laughs in their faces, pulls out a machine gun and kills 21

Remember that scene in The Deer Hunter when Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken are forced to play Russian roulette among sadistic Viet Cong? Well, that actually happened, except in real life it was between an American paratrooper named Leonard A. Frank and a band of hysterical Nazis.
Funk was trapped between enemy lines, his comrades kneeling in surrender, when he faced a growling, pissed off German soldier who was grilling him to release information. Not knowing what the hell he was saying, Funk started laughing uncontrollably and soon, other Germans joined in the fun. Once he had them thoroughly distracted, he whipped out his Thompson submachine gun and literally cut the head Nazi in half with bullets. As he reloaded, he screamed for the other Americans to join in the counterattack.
The Germans surrendered. When it was over, Funk hooted, “That was the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” What makes this John McLane-like sequence even more absurd is the fact that Funk himself was only 5 foot 6 inches, 140 pounds and looked exactly like Jason Schwartzman. He was awarded the Medal of Honor. Thanks for reading!
