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Hello, My name is Noemi Aguilar!

Welcome to the Who-Knew family.

Here we talk about the history of the world. We cover many different Topics. Our team here is new and different from other Educational Sites. We try to discover the most unknown facts that history has to offer. I research and obtain artifacts as well and soon I will be unfolding some rare finds. If you have any ideas for a great topic please let us know on our contact form. 

1932 "Peanut Butter Bread"

This is a quick bread, similar to things like banana bread or zucchini bread, so it doesn't require any yeast or rising times. Just...

Civil War Beef Stew

Learn what Union Soldiers ate during the Civil War, and try a historical recipe for Commissary Beef Stew from Captain James M. Sanderson....

Mangos 1,000 BC

What is a mango? Trick question. The answer depends upon context. In India, these juicy native fruits are deeply ingrained in both...

When was cereal invented?!?

The first cold breakfast cereal, Granula, was invented in the United States in 1863 by James Caleb Jackson, operator of Our Home on the...

Nini Sherini-AKA Almond Cookies

Original recipe from al-Baghdadi: Aqras Mukarrara. Take white flour and knead lightly, then leave to rise. Take a ratl of sugar and a...

Prison Sample Menu, circa 1740

In the 18th century more than 200 offences were regarded as serious enough to be punishable by death. Serious offenders who were not...

Kennedy-Nixon Debate 1960 part 1

A kinescope of the John F Kennedy and Richard M Nixon presidential debate. "I'm not satisfied when we have over nine billion dollars...

Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Dumplings

– from Christiana Campbell's Tavern Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia Serves 4 Pastry Ingredients: ¼ cup all­ vegetable...

Acient Recipe of Pompeii

PEPONES ET MELONES (Water and Honey Melons) Ingredients: 1/2 honey melon 1/2 water melon 500 ml Passum a little bit of honey (or Passum)...

Chicken Surprise

Here is a 18th century recipe I came across, it might seem very odd but id say try it out and see for yourself! I think it would be a...


I hope you enjoy this Civil war recipe Wheat flour was quite scarce in the south during the Civil War, so soldiers baked bread from...

A 200-year-old chicken salad

This recipe is called a "French Salad" and it comes from Maria Rundell’s 1808 cookbook, “A New System of Domestic Cookery”. I know, 1808,...

“A Pioneer baking Solution”

Here is an old recipe that has been lingering in my mind, I found this recipe when I was a lot younger. I think I saw this pie in an old...

The Potato Crunches

Crazy random i'd love to share with you all, hope you enjoy this read! Some time ago a man by the name of George Crum played a joked on...

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