Original recipe from al-Baghdadi:
Aqras Mukarrara. Take white flour and knead lightly, then leave to rise. Take a ratl of sugar and a third of a ratl of almonds, grind fine, form into a fine paste with rosewater and syrup and make into thin cakes…
- Jung, Nizamat, trans. A Baghdad Cookery-Book by Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn al-Karim al-Katib al-Baghdadi as compiled by Dr. Daoud Chelebi. Mosul, 1923. Found in A Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks as compiled by Duke Cariadoc of the Bow and Duchesa Diana Alena, Private Printing, 1991.

Modern recipe:
Almond Oil
Dates, chopped finely
In a bowl, crack the eggs. Mix with honey, rosewater and almond oil to taste. Whip until creamy but not to the point where meringue occurs. Fold in enough flour to make a stiff dough. Beat well. Next mix in the shortening until the dough is smooth. Add chopped dates. On a lightly greased baking pan, place 1 tbsp. of the mixture approximately three inches apart. (Be careful not to get too close as they spread while cooking.) Bake at 300° F for about ten minutes until golden brown. While still warm, brush with honey.
Adapted from: Mazda, Maideh. In A Persian Kitchen: Favorite Recipes from the Near East. Rutland, VT: C.E. Tuttle, 1989, 185.