Crazy random i'd love to share with you all, hope you enjoy this read!

Some time ago a man by the name of George Crum played a joked on one of his former customers, now this joke turned out to be the best thing that ever happen to him. One day a man walked into the Moon Lake Lodge resort in Saratoga Springs, New York, USA ordered some of their known famous French fries. This customer was practicality picky. George Crum is a well-known chef, Crum took the order and made a plate full of crispy French fries just like any other day. Of course the picky customer wasn’t pleased with his order and so he asked the waiter to take them back as they were too thick for his liking.

Crum yet again made a fresh THINNER batch of French fries just for his picky customer to return his order yet again, this happen about three times. George Crum wasn’t having it anymore, he was so frustrated with this customer that he wiped out a bunch of potatoes cut them so thin that you can see right through them and then he dumped the whole batch in his cooking oil. Everyone was looking at him in the kitchen thinking “has he gone mad?!?”
As soon as they were crispy he placed them on the plate sprinkled some salt and placed a fork right next to the very thing and crispy potato slices and asked the waiter to serve them “NOW”. The waiter looked at his chef thinking “I really don’t want to go there” but of course he grabbed the order and left. Now some of you may not know this but back then eating French fries with a fork was a thing. Eating them with your hands made you basically an animal and rich people don’t roll that way. Chef Crum knew he would have to eat them with his hands and not a fork as they were so well done and crispy.

The chef was hoping for the customer to get upset, everyone was looking at what the waiter served to this man. The customer of course looked down and grabbed his fork only to realize that there was no way for him to use his utensil. Recap Crum was hoping to get his customer mad and the waiter and everyone else was looking at the odd plate of “whatever that was”, the customer crabbed a “chip” and tried it out. Crum was hoping to annoy his customer but instead his customer loved the” potato crunches” because of all that he invented the now known Potato chip. I mean he’s the luckiest person on earth, seriously what if that went terribly wrong? I’m just glad he invented this delicious tasty snack because I mean where would we be without chips?!?! I hope you enjoyed this fun little story, its nothing to serious and not as important but it’s part of history and it’s a funny story to tell. Thank you for reading!