Something amazing happen to me that I thought I should share with you all!!!!

As I said before in my introduction, I go on the hunting for Artifacts and things from back in the day. Well I stumbled upon these heels. Now, these are not just some shoes I picked up from some local store. I found these in Alabama from a women that was just trying to get rid of them. She knew the history behind them but wasn’t too interested in them, which is okay because some folks aren’t into everything. But I did some research on them and I’m happy I went with my gut. Now they are priceless but the history behind them is sweet and amazing.

The reason they are called the “Souvenir Shoe’s” is because soldiers from WWII would buy these in the Philippines to take back home to their sweethearts. These shoes were hand carved and painted from the local people of the Philippines.
"To My Love"
It's mind blowing how I got my hands on them. Now will I ever wear them?....
Probably not; they are very old and fragile that I want nothing to happen to them. So, with that being said, they will be displayed in my study room. What can I say I am a collector of all things…haha.
Thank you for reading about my little find if you like this article please let me know!

"Hand carved and painted with wooden soles, also Embroidered Fabric Top's"
I absolutely love your blog is so interesting, wow I had no idea about this history facts and the shoes history is mine blowing , well also thank you for the recipes, your blog is addicting once you star reading you just can stop,. Congratulations such a great job and complete facts.