Hitler Shaved Part of His Moustache Because His Full Moustache Nearly Killed Him:

Hitler’s toothbrush style moustache was not always like this. During WWI he had a full moustache. Soldiers in trenches were experiencing mustard-gas and other lethal gas attacks during the WWI, respiratory masks were provided to the combatants to keep out gas. But during gas attacks, Hitler could not create complete airlocks pulling his respiratory mask over his face due his long moustache and he almost died due to presence of gas in his mask. As a result, Hitler’s supervisors ordered Hitler to remove his fancy moustache to facilitate the wearing of the gas masks. But instead, he trimmed it to the distinctive toothbrush shaped style.
Thus the explanation of his wonky moustache. Nonetheless, this man got his way. As I say just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should. Fun fact Before Hitler became famous, his variant of the toothbrush mustache was not particularly popular, often nicknamed as a "Rotzbremse" (German for "snot brake") by Bavarians. I hope you enjoyed this little article. what do you think of this article? should he just have shaved it all off? comment down below I'd love to hear your opinions on this subject. Thanks for reading, and remember sharing is caring so go ahead and share this article with your friends and family!