Here is an update with our kitchen. Its not much but here you go!
We decided to take that odd brown cabinet down that was in the middle of the kitchen. I honestly hated that thing. There was no point for it being there in the first place. So my husband started to take this thing down on Mother’s Day. Best gift yet! I also decided to paint the walls white because I wanted some light in this home. It's very dark in this house with all the wood work around, which I love. I thought, why not brighten this place up a little? As you can see the difference, I’m really enjoying my kitchen. After all, its the heart of the home. Now we still have a lot of work to do. Things have been slow around here when it comes to renovations. A lot of thought is going into our home, I really don’t want to mess it up. So we are doing color swatches and looking through rooms, etc., to see if

the colors and interior decoration will match with the character of this home. Also, a little piece about our home is that every wall and ceiling is covered in black marks, like a bunch of little toddlers took dirt and went to town in this home. No joke, ha-ha, so that’s why we’re running a little slow on renovations, its hard work and a lot of money going into restoring this home. But if you have any ideas or concerns, please let us know! Thank you for keeping up with our journey.